About Me
Solution Focused Therapist

A warm welcome to Beechwood Therapy. My name is John and as your therapist / hypnotherapist I am here to help you improve your life and deal with any challenges that you may face. Whether it is an Anxiety, a phobia, severe tinnitus, sports performance or, indeed, any aspect of the mind - therapy and hypnotherapy have been shown to help.
My background in Education, Safeguarding and as an Assistant Headteacher means I have dealt for many years with people suffering from a huge range of challenges. First and foremost among these was Anxiety - often drastically affecting attendance and educational outcomes for the young people involved. This has led me to explore practical and real ways to help not just young people, but all people, face their specific challenges.
I can help with:
BA Hons.
Diploma for Solution Focussed Hypnotherapy (DSFH).
Hypnotherapy Diploma (HPD)
Full enhanced DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) with NCH.
Please use the contact form below to arrange a FREE consultation to see how therapy and hypnotherapy can help you.
Weight management
Working with Children
Working with teens
Why Therapy / Hypnotherapy?
It can help with
Phobias / Fears
Phobias can either be developed as rational fears from a bad experience or irrational fears that have no obvious origins. Each can be treated easily using hypnosis.
When we’ve been going through a tough time, or when we’ve experienced a trauma or life event that’s hard to move on from, something happens. We can feel anxious and panicky. Anxiety is extremely common.
There are many well-researched reasons for depression, encompassing trauma, social and stress-related reasons, chemical imbalances, as well as genetics.
Strongly held beliefs about ourselves and the world around us can feel as if they define who we are and be self-fulfilling. That is often a big enough fear to prevent anyone from changing, what feels like, really deep seated patterns of behaviour.
Trauma / PTSD
Trauma can be too big to be filed away during sleep. And so it remains “live”, with the emotions still attached to it. And because of the large size of the event, it often causes a log-jam in our nightly processing so that even the smaller, simpler, day-to-day events fail to get processed.
Weight Management
Hypnosis has been shown to be more effective than diet and exercise alone for people looking to lose weight. The idea is that the mind can be influenced to change habits like overeating.
Tinnitus is often described as a "ringing in the ears". Depending on the severity it can have a significant impact on a person's life. Hypnotherapy can help by retraining your mind in relation to the sounds and also reduce stress and anxiety which make the condition worse.
OCD - Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
OCD can become debilitating and affect quality of life drastically if allowed to. The good news is that complete recovery is possible. Learning new patterns of thought, dealing with anxiety, quickly and effectively reduce OCD symptoms.
People with misophonia are affected emotionally by everyday sounds — usually sounds made by others. Someone else breathing, chewing or yawning can trigger a powerful emotional response to escape. Hypnotherapy can effectively reduce reactions..

Contact Info

Phone or Text
07983 471336
In person or Online WORLDWIDE